What If We Could Save Them All

What if all the pet parents in America decided they had enough room in their hearts, homes, and budgets to adopt (read save) just one more cat or dog? Would this help our country go no-kill and possibly put an end to euthanizing healthy cats and dogs because there is simply no room or not enough money to care for all of them at the shelters? While it may not be the end all solution, I can’t help to think that it would get us moving in the right direction.

Looking at the Humane Society stats online approximately 6-8 million cats and dogs are cared for in shelters each year and sadly 3-4 million, or 50%, are euthanized. While these numbers have come down significantly over the last few years, in my opinion 50% still isn’t good enough. Research shows that approximately 70 million American households have at least one cat and/or dog. If my math is correct, only 11% of those homes would need to adopt 1 more shelter cat or dog to empty out all the shelters! Another fun stat for those of you who prefer purebred dogs – nearly 25% of the dogs in shelters are purebred. Please, please consider rescuing rather than going to a breeder.

Will you seriously consider if you have room in your heart, home, and budget to take in another cat and/or dog (or your first one!)? We are the only ones that can solve this problem and it really is doable. I know we all have excuses, mainly not enough time, just remember being part of your family, with shelter, food and love, is better than the alternative. If you still can’t convince yourself adopting another cat or dog will work, think about fostering, volunteering or donating to animal shelters. Every hour and every dollar helps the cause.

Please share this blog with all of your animal loving family and friends. Let’s spread the word and see if we can have a no-kill country in 2015!

If this blog inspires you to adopt a cat or dog please share your new family member’s picture with #Whatifwecouldsavethemall #justonemore #opttoadopt


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