A Boy and His Dog…and Cats

One of the most common reasons a cat or dog is returned to a shelter is because the family is having a baby. This doesn’t have to be the case, managing pets and a new baby can work. In fact, studies have found that there are numerous benefits resulting from a child growing up with furry friends; they help with manners, understanding responsibilities, learning, they encourage nurturing, and best of all they provide comfort. We have a 15-month-old son, 2 cats, and 1 dog and some days it does seem like a lot to manage but our family wouldn’t be complete without each and every one of them.

Here are some tips on how to make it all work:

Before the Baby Arrives:

  • Give your critters lots of extra love and attention.
  • Bring a blanket or hat home from the hospital so they can smell the babies scent.

As the Baby Grows:

  • Always keep an eye on the interaction between your child and animal.
  • Reward and praise your dog or cat for being good with the baby.
  • Do your best to continue to provide lots of love and attention to your critters.
  • You will have to constantly coach your child on how to be gentle while petting and interacting with your pets – it’s not in their nature (especially for little boys!).
  • Let your little one help with chores, like feeding the animals or taking them on a walk. The more our little guy interacts with our cats and dog the more comfortable they become with each other.

Having a baby is a huge adjustment for new parents and for any pet that is part of your family. Do your best to be aware of that and to make the exciting change work for everyone.  Once that part is complete you can sit back and take in the beautiful family bonds that are forming!

One response to “A Boy and His Dog…and Cats”

  1. So happy that you have found a creative way to blend your old love of animals with your new(er) love of motherhood! When I was pregnant, I purchased a CD that had baby “noises” that I played for my cats. That way they would become familiar with the sounds, too!