A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Are you interested in volunteering in the animal rescue world but not quite sure how you can help? There is always an abundant amount of work to do and never enough people so the list of volunteer opportunities are endless – – clean kennels/cages, walk dogs, medicate, feed, do dishes, marketing, fundraising, transportation, adoption host, etc. But one really enjoyable and creative way to help is by taking pictures of adoptable cats and dogs.

I am by no means an experienced photographer but I do think it’s fun, especially when you have the cutest models to work with! When our son was born we decided to purchase a nicer camera to try and get some good shots of him – we do our best but he doesn’t stop moving!  So while I was doing laundry at a local cat shelter one Sunday morning I decided I should try using our camera to take some pictures of the cats there. After only 30 minutes I had some great shots of various cats from a few free roaming rooms. I was instantly hooked! And the shelter is now using them on Facebook, Instagram, their website, and for Petfinder profiles. I can only hope that one of the pictures I’ve taken helps get a cat into his or her loving, forever home. That would be time well spent!

How could you say “no” to one of these adorable faces?!