Category: Animal Rescue Talk

  • A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

    A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

    Are you interested in volunteering in the animal rescue world but not quite sure how you can help? There is always an abundant amount of work to do and never enough people so the list of volunteer opportunities are endless – – clean kennels/cages, walk dogs, medicate, feed, do dishes, marketing, fundraising, transportation, adoption host,…

  • Choose To Save a Life

    Choose To Save a Life

    I found myself asking “why?” while at a puppy training class a couple of weeks ago. Why is the puppy that I brought from a no-kill shelter only 1 of 2 rescue puppies out of a class of 15 puppies? Is it lack of awareness of the overpopulation and healthy dog and cat euthanasia issues…

  • Be A Furry Someone’s Christmas Miracle

    Be A Furry Someone’s Christmas Miracle

    As I am eagerly working my way through our Christmas gift purchases for family and close friends, I can’t help but think about all of those that may have a new puppy or kitten on their list. What an exciting time, deciding to bring a new furry family member into your home.  Here are a…

  • Do Something for Someone Who Can Never Repay You

    Do Something for Someone Who Can Never Repay You

    When I was volunteering at a local shelter this weekend I saw a poster on the wall that read “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” It really hit home for me because while I’ve been volunteering for animal rescue efforts for years I never thought…

  • For the Love of Cats

    For the Love of Cats

    Cats are such misunderstood bundles of joy; they are so loving, affectionate, and make amazing companions. I’ve been an animal lover as long as I can remember.  I think when you are an “animal person” it is just in your DNA or at least that is how it feels for me. I truly love all animals BUT the…

  • A Boy and His Dog…and Cats

    A Boy and His Dog…and Cats

    One of the most common reasons a cat or dog is returned to a shelter is because the family is having a baby. This doesn’t have to be the case, managing pets and a new baby can work. In fact, studies have found that there are numerous benefits resulting from a child growing up with…

  • Why Adopt a Rescue Dog

    Why Adopt a Rescue Dog

    I recently had a friend ask me for tips on how to persuade her husband that adopting her next dog, rather than going to a breeder, was the right decision for their family. She also wanted an adult dog and not a puppy. This was a wonderful opportunity to help save another rescue dog and…

  • We Couldn’t Have Saved Him Without You

    We Couldn’t Have Saved Him Without You

    It was the same story heard all around America, a local county shelter was full again and had an urgent list of 10 dogs that had been at the shelter the longest (approximately 1-2 months). These dogs had done nothing wrong; they were adoptable, friendly and loving dogs that just needed someone to save them.…

  • What If We Could Save Them All

    What If We Could Save Them All

    What if all the pet parents in America decided they had enough room in their hearts, homes, and budgets to adopt (read save) just one more cat or dog? Would this help our country go no-kill and possibly put an end to euthanizing healthy cats and dogs because there is simply no room or not enough…