For the Love of Cats

Cats are such misunderstood bundles of joy; they are so loving, affectionate, and make amazing companions. I’ve been an animal lover as long as I can remember.  I think when you are an “animal person” it is just in your DNA or at least that is how it feels for me. I truly love all animals BUT the animal I love more than any, is a cat.  Why?  It’s really quite simple, they have a calming affect with their purr, head bumps, and cuddles that truly makes me feel at peace. Have you ever noticed that ALL little kids are drawn to cats? I believe that alone demonstrates an underlying truthfulness of how special cats really are.

Below is my attempt to challenge some of the common cat misconceptions:

Misconception #1: Cats are aloof

Rebuttal: My cats are ALWAYS the first to greet me at the door when I get home. My cat Maddie is kindly sharing the desk chair with me as I type this and my cat Max is laying on the office floor with me as well. They both cuddle with me almost every night. They have very different personalities and are funny and playful in their own way.  Maddie brings us her fake purple mouse on a daily basis to show her love for us and Max has full blown conversations with us every morning!  They have shown me more love in their 9 years than I could have ever hoped for.

Misconception #2: Cats are too independent

Rebuttal: I’m confused, why would having an independent companion be a bad thing? They don’t have to be let out for potty breaks and they don’t need to go on walks but they do provide unconditional love and affection.  They always seem to be there if you are down or just wanting a buddy to cuddle with but are also just fine doing their own thing.  It’s really a perfect balance if you ask me!

Misconception #3: Cats are mean

Rebuttal: I agree, some cats, can come across as mean  but can’t some dogs and other animals as well?  I would bet that if you go into a shelter today you would meet a variety of cats that are friendly, affectionate, playful, and just wanting to be loved.

If you’ve never known a cat or truly given a cat a chance but you’ve just always said you don’t like them or that they are any of the above misconceptions, go to a local shelter or pet store and ask to meet some of the cats. I have a feeling they will change your mind in no time. I truly believe that once you live with a cat or get to know a cat you will understand how truly special they are.


2 responses to “For the Love of Cats”

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