Live Your Dream

“Live Your Dream”…what a simple yet profound statement and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be doing just that.  But it wasn’t long ago that I felt a bit trapped in an 8-5 (or 6 or 7 plus some weekends) job that although I enjoyed parts of the work and my team it certainly wasn’t my passion and it didn’t allow much time for my family.  I have known for years, really ever since I was a little girl, that I wanted to work with animals in some aspect, which is probably a blessing in itself.  However, at that time I was blissfully unaware of the challenges animals face in the animal rescue world so I considered being a pet groomer, a vet, or even a police officer so I could have a German Shepard as my partner!  It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I discovered the world of animal rescue and I’ve been hooked ever since.

The problem was that my fulltime + job and being a new mom wasn’t allowing me much time to spend at the shelter with animals in need, or what I like to call “my happy place”.  So after a year of being a working mom, missing my son like crazy, and feeling as though a part of me (animal rescue) was missing, my husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and I quit my job!  It’s really hard to believe but it’s already been over a year since I started staying home and I wouldn’t change a thing!  It is difficult to put into words, or to even write about without getting tears in my eyes, but the time I’ve been able to spend with my son has been absolutely priceless.  Of course like any stay-at-home mom, there are tough days and days where I feel like I could go a little crazy :), but overall it has been a very positive change for my family.

In addition to being able to spend more time with my family (our cats and dog included!), I am also able to spend a lot more time volunteering at the animal shelter and I was even able to start Animal Rescue Talk!   And one of the coolest parts of my new life is being able to take my son to the shelter and to have him share in my passion.  Just the other day we went to the shelter to visit a very special cat, Chuckie, and my son decided he wanted to read to the cats while we were there (pictured above).  Although I can already see his kindness and love towards animals, I’m not sure his dream will be animal rescue, as of now he tells me he wants to “play ball” when he grows up!

I want each of you to seriously consider if you are Living Your Dream?  Whatever it may be.  Life is not a trial run, you only get one shot, so why not live your life following your passion and dreams?  You might not make a lot of money, or any, but I promise you it will be rewarding in so many other ways!  Lastly, it would be remiss of me if I didn’t give a HUGE shout out to my husband, Adam, for working so hard (luckily at a job he loves!) so that I can follow my dreams of being with my son, caring for my family, and helping animals in need.

10 responses to “Live Your Dream”

  1. Yay! So great Kristin. Our passions tell us exactly what we’re supposed to be giving to the world. It’s so important that we follow them or someone (person OR animal!) might miss out on the important gift we have to share!

    • Thank you so much Ellen! So happy (and happy for you!) that you have taken the leap into following your dreams as well 🙂

  2. Love that you are able to follow your dream rescuing animals , although I think you could have been a vet , too!! Never to late!! Also, love that your two year old is reading to a rescue cat who seem so interested!! ❤️?

    • Thanks for your love and support mom 🙂 And Billy the cat at the shelter loved story time with Pierson, he sat there for 2 books!

  3. Lovely story Kristin. I’m so happy for you and your family. I have always been a proponent of finding a job that you love since we spend so many hours of each day there. I have had numerous jobs during my 70 some years–some that I liked and some that I hated. But for the last 22 years I have been helping seniors with advance funeral planning and really love what I do. That’s why I still work by appointment which give me the flexibility that I want just like you. Instead of helping animals, I help seniors and their families and get a great deal of satisfaction from that.

    • Thank you Josie! And I love to hear that you are doing what you love to do and helping others at the same time. It truly is a rewarding and blessed way to live your life!

  4. Kristen
    I can feel in your words how truly happy you are. I am so happy for you and the family and animals that get souch more of your time. Job well done!

  5. Love to hear how your life is going and that it is so fulfilling with more family time as well as volunteer time for animal rescue.
    Phil and I will never forget how we found Hobie through you and he has been a great joy even with the grandchildren.
    Thanks for all you do and for bringing Hobie into our life.

    • Thank you so much Barb! We were just talking about Hobie the other day – he is such a wonderful, cute dog. Thank you so much for providing him with a loving home 🙂 I hope you are enjoying retirement! Miss seeing you!