Volunteers Wanted!

Looking to get involved in your local animal rescue community? There are so many options as to how you can help and volunteers are ALWAYS needed! Here are just a few ways you could help:

  • Animal Care at Shelters
    • Clean Kennels, cages, rooms
    • Feed (one of the their favorite things!)
    • Take dogs on walks or runs
    • Take dogs to training classes
    • Provide socialization, love, and attention
    • Assist with medical needs as allowed
  • Foster – give your time, love and home…temporarily!
  • Social Media Efforts
    • Help with sharing shelter information, adoptable pets, adoption successes, rescue efforts on the various social media outlets
    • Take pictures of adoptable pets
  • Fundraising – help with fundraising ideas & events
  • TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) – help get cats fixed in your community and prevent unwanted litters!
  • Adoptions – help animals find forever homes by assisting potential adopters meet their perfect match!

We promise any time you spend helping animals in need is well worth it! Not only do the animals benefit from your time and effort but you do as well. Time seems to fly by whenever I am at the shelter and being surrounded by animals who are excited to see you and only want to give you love is a wonderful feeling! And the BEST part is you get paid in tail wags, kisses, cuddles, and purrs 🙂 Volunteer today and make a difference in an animal’s life!