Why I Loath Purebred Puppies

Being an animal lover ever since I can remember, I never thought I’d have the feeling of disgust when looking at a picture of puppy that a new family bought and then shared on social media.  But after all these years volunteering in the animal rescue world, understanding the rates at which adoptable cats and dogs get euthanized, I just can’t help but want to scream “WHY???” or add a comment “adopt don’t shop!”!  Does anyone else feel that way?  Don’t get me wrong, I still find any and all puppies extremely cute but every time I see one that is purebred, knowing it came from a breeder or potentially a puppy mill backed store, I automatically think of the dogs needlessly dying out there because of those breeders and puppy mills.  Or rather, I think of the life that could have been saved.

We already have a dog and cat overpopulation issue on our hands, so why is there a need to breed?  And I just can’t figure out how someone would not choose to adopt and save a life (and a lot of money) over going to a breeder?  I always try my best not to judge, I know it’s not my role here on earth, but it is getting increasingly more difficult as the years go by.  Maybe it’s just because of my passion and connection to the animal rescue world but I feel as though there is so much information out there now that it has to be hard for people to say that they “just didn’t know”.  Or maybe they don’t?  And if that’s the case then you have to help me share my blogs and our Facebook and Instagram pages.  We need to spread the word farther and faster to help saves lives.  Every day counts because every day countless innocent and adoptable lives are taken away simply because of space. 

Together we can spread the word that yes, you can rescue a puppy and kittens too!  And no, rescue animals are not damaged.  Most animals end up in rescues because of circumstances completely unrelated to anything they’ve done – – financial hardships, moving, owner illness, new baby and no time, etc.   And yes, rescue animals provide the most wonderful, grateful and loving companionship you could ever dream of!  So get out there and ADOPT a puppy today! 

4 responses to “Why I Loath Purebred Puppies”

  1. Excellent read! So true and to add to this there are many purebreds dumped too and living in shelters!!

  2. Please do not be so quick to judge. purebred puppies may be caught in the same futile life that mixed and cross breeds are. I’m sure it would not surprise you to read about the horrors perpetrated on show and working dogs in their use and travels. Learn the dog’s story first. Rescuing a purebred may be identical to the saving of an abandoned mixed breed dog. The fact that dogs do not make such distinctions when they make friends is a good example of the difference between man and dogs. Life should be good for everyone.

    • Thanks for your comment! I am all for rescuing purebreds and am aware that a lot end up in the shelters. What I am not a fan of is buying from breeders or even worse a puppy store where the purebred most likely came from a puppy mill. Hope that helps clarify our perspective!