Category: Animal Rescue Talk

  • It’s Moving Day….WITH our animals

    It’s Moving Day….WITH our animals

    As my family and I are quickly approaching our big moving day I can’t help but think about how many people have moved and left their animals behind.  This is something I obviously can’t even imagine doing but sadly there are people out there that do it without hesitation.  Sometimes they just let them out…

  • Dear Chuckie

    Dear Chuckie

    Dear Chuckie, When we met several years ago I had no idea that you would impact my life in such a wonderful way.  You and your brother Miles had been abandoned by your family and left out in the streets to fend for yourself.  You were already an old guy by then, 10 or 12,…

  • Why I Loath Purebred Puppies

    Why I Loath Purebred Puppies

    Being an animal lover ever since I can remember, I never thought I’d have the feeling of disgust when looking at a picture of puppy that a new family bought and then shared on social media.  But after all these years volunteering in the animal rescue world, understanding the rates at which adoptable cats and…

  • Try Your Best and Forget the Rest

    Try Your Best and Forget the Rest

    “Try Your Best and Forget the Rest” was the message from a recent episode of my son’s favorite TV Show, Paw Patrol, and it couldn’t be more fitting for our attempt at adopting another dog last month as a companion for our dog Mila.  Sadly, things didn’t go as we had hoped.    We had to take…

  • Live Your Dream

    Live Your Dream

    “Live Your Dream”…what a simple yet profound statement and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be doing just that.  But it wasn’t long ago that I felt a bit trapped in an 8-5 (or 6 or 7 plus some weekends) job that although I enjoyed parts of the work and my team…

  • Companion Animals or Meat?

    Companion Animals or Meat?

    With awareness spreading about the horrific treatment of dogs in Asia, from the dog meat trade and the dog slaughter houses to the Yulin Meat Festival, I can’t help but think about how we treat our “meat” animals here in the US.  In the US we see dogs and cats and a handful of other…

  • No Debate Here…Animals Improve Our Health

    No Debate Here…Animals Improve Our Health

    Time Magazine recently issued an entire magazine dedicated to animals and their impact on humans from an emotional, mental, and physical well-being perspective.  How cool is that!?  Now more than ever it seems as though animal rights, animal rescue, and animal welfare are being brought to light.  Clearly way overdo but I am thrilled to see…

  • TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) & Teamwork

    TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) & Teamwork

    Several years ago my husband and I were living in an apartment complex where an elderly lady found herself feeding and caring for 8 stray cats.  We would occasionally see a cat running around the complex so of course I was curious as to where they lived.  Once we tracked them down to the lady’s…

  • The Do’s & Don’ts of Adoption Processes

    The Do’s & Don’ts of Adoption Processes

    When you volunteer in animal rescue you see, hear, and experience some pretty horrible things. It is not an easy passion to have; you also see the worst in humans as it relates to animal neglect, abuse, and disregard. And because of this, some of us tend to assume the worst in others and in…

  • A Kid’s Best Friend

    A Kid’s Best Friend

    When I ask my almost 2-year old son who his best friend is I sometimes get “Mommy, Daddy” but I mostly hear “Mila, Max, Maddie”. Our dog and 2 cats. Being the animal lover that I am, hearing that immediately melts my heart. I am so thankful for the opportunity to raise my son in…